Friday, January 4, 2019

Making progress in the new year

Indeed, I'm making some very good progress in the sewing room!  Yesterday morning, Don and I drove Dan to the Minneapolis airport so he could fly back to Washington, get all his stuff disposed of or packed up, and be ready to return on the 16th.  I'm feeling quite nervous about this move of his (don't know why since it's not me that has to organize and execute all of this, but once a mother, . . .) and in my head I know he's going to manage all the details and everything will come together. So why the heck did I stay up until 12:30 this morning and wake up completely at 4:30 AM?  Why!

I digress. And I yawn. 😮  Once we were back home the day was half over and I spent the afternoon frittering away the time.  When I finally got to the sewing room, I was able to make 4 more placemats for a total of 9, and I'd like to make 3 more before I'm done, shown below

Here's a shot of Don's music quilt--nine patch blocks of white and black fabric with colored music notes, alternating with snowball blocks of colorful musical instruments on white.  The thing has a border of the black fabric. If my plan goes the way I want it to, I'll get the quilting finished today and have the binding ready for hand stitching tonight.

Every year I pay attention to Bonnie K Hunter's mystery quilt and some years I actually do it along with her.  I've done On Ringo Lake, Allietare, and maybe one or two more.  This year I didn't fall in love with the colors she chose for the quilt and I'm not very confident of switching out the colors.  Plus I was really busy with holiday guests throughout December, so I didn't do the quilt.  I think that was a mistake!  Here's the picture she posted on her blog of the finished mystery quilt--I just love it!

Quiltville's Quips & Snips!!

The steps are available until February 1 so I'm going to print them out and will make up this quilt top sometime in the future.  If you haven't heard about this before, here's the link to her reveal blog post.  Good Fortune

Okay, time for me to get going to the sewing room. I've done all the laundry today, taken a walk outside (it's sunny and well above freezing today!), took care of all the phone calls and emails that needed to be taken care of, visited with my husband and his golfing friend, AND snuck in a quick shower and shampoo. Whew!  I gotta go downstairs and relax with my sewing machine. 😊

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