Friday, October 10, 2014

More Halloween!

I'm not a Halloween person. In fact, I always preferred to take the kids out in the neighborhood trick or treating rather than stay home and hand out treats.  This year, however, I'm obsessed with making Halloween things for my Etsy shop Jolly Ruby. I don't understand it,---I'm just accepting it. :o)

Today I put a couple of table runners in the shop and thought I'd post a pic or two of them.  They are the same in design, I just changed out the fabrics I used in the pinwheels, one orange (Jack-O-Lanterns--I love that old English term!  :) --

and the other purple--witches, black cats, and hooty owls.

And of course, accented by a bit of Halloween candy! That's the best part of the holiday, in my opinion.  Don and I used to "screen" the candy loot brought home by the kids to make sure there weren't nasty things in there and also to make sure the kids didn't get too many mini chocolate bars like Snickers which just happened to be Don's favorite!  Interesting coincidence, don't you think?  I didn't have a favorite--any chocolate candy would do as long as it wasn't Tootsie Rolls!  This year, we will be prepared for trick or treaters now that we live in town. In the ten years we lived in the country, we only had one trick or treater--in all 10 years!  It was embarrassing when the doorbell rant that one time! We didn't have any candy to give these poor kids so we scrambled around and finally found some coins for them.  Needless to say, neither the kids not the parents were impressed!

We are beginning to pack up Lily's things in order to move them with her to Maine in less than 2 weeks.  I'm feeling so much better about this move than I was when I last posted.  My friends and husband have been a great help, getting me to see the positives of this move, not just for her and her mother, but for me and Don as well. Much as I love my little granddaughter, caring for a 10 year old was not how I envisioned spending my retirement years!  ;)  Lily will spend the next few summers with us--until she's old enough to spend the summer on her own or has a job, whichever comes first--and I'm looking forward to that. It will be good to reconnect with her on summer vacation and I already have some fun things in mind for next year. It will be more like vacation than full time parenting, right?

Now I have to go stitch the binding on a table runner (not a Halloween one!) I made for my niece and this afternoon, we have to take Lily from school to the homecoming parade site so she can be on one of the floats in the parade.  She's soooooo excited!

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I have a ton of Halloween candy here that Im hoarding to take into work to surprise people later this month ( assuming Mr. P doesnt eat it all first ...)

    Love your table runners. So cute!
