Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Quilting news from Wisconsin

Yes, I sat at my machine last night and began stitching a throw quilt.

I had extra time between home calls yesterday so I stopped in to the LQS and found the prettiest packet of pre-cut 5" squares by Moda. I think the packet is called something--layer cake, cup cake, pancake or something like that. So last night, before I could take a picture of them, I was stitching the squares to plain cream colored 5" squares that I'd cut and was turning them into 1/2 square triangle blocks. I will make the quilt center with rows of these blocks, add a three-strip narrow border with some coordinating fabric and then a 5" or 6" border of a large print coordinating border to finish it off.

Why am I making this quilt? Well, the little squares of fabrics began whispering my name as soon as I stepped foot in that shop and by the time I got to where they were displayed, I could hear them so clearly shouting, "Take us home!" So I had to.

Our neighbor's son is getting married in November and I think this will be a nice quilt to give as their wedding gift. I'm so glad I worked on this project last night. I was beginning to think I was never going to get back to quilting. It felt really GOOD to be sewing again--I think I've got my groove back again--quilt-ily speaking, that is.


  1. Those pre-cut fabrics are so nice for that sort of thing. It is easy to sew when the fabrics are already cut. I know all about that name calling in the quilt shop, it happens to me all the time.

  2. Talking fabric is quite a popular phenominon. It happens to me, too. I'm glad you are at it again, too. I hope to do some sewing tonight. We'll see if it happens.

  3. PHEW!!! I am glad to know I'm not the only one fabric talks to ;)

  4. Yeah - too many things have been calling my name lately so I have to stay away from quilt shops. I had a chance to go to Country Threads in Iowa but I passed because I went to Mille End Textiles and everyone was shouting at me to take them home! Lisa

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yeah, Lisa, it can get very loud over here at the local Mill End Textile, but at least I don't usually have to take out a second mortgage to pay the bill like I may have to do at the LQS.

  7. Sometimes, we all have to listen to that inner voice that says "pick me, pick me" like we did when we were children. Looking forward to pictures!!
